Lagunatunes Community Chorus

LagunaTunes Community Chorus,under the direction of Bob Gunn, is a 501(c)(3) organization that presents two local-free-concerts per year. We have performed everything from serious traditional music to pop, rock, and jazz .Our mission is to provide local residents with an opportunity to learn and perform music together. All ability levels are welcome and there are no auditions.

LagunaTunes exemplifies the joy of singing, especially when shared with each other and our community. Everyone truly “has a place in the choir.”

New members are welcomed at the beginning of each season (September and February). Rehearsals are on Monday evenings at 7 PM and the free concerts are in December and June. Chorus members marched in last year’s Patriot’s Day parade, with a decorated bus, singing “Jeremiah was a bullfrog …!”

Email: Jay Rechter at

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