No Square Theatre
Founded in 1997, No Square Theatre is Laguna’s nonprofit community theater. Our mission is our passion: to create rewarding performing opportunities for everyone, regardless of age, experience, or training, and to demonstrate the power of community theater to enhance lives on both sides of the footlights.
Each year, we perform musicals, concerts, readings, and workshops. We give an annual $1000 scholarship to an Laguna Beach High School senior. On countless occasions, the No Square Singers also perform for free to help other organizations in the town we love. Our flagship production is “Lagunatics” — the hilarious musical roast of life on the coast. This deeply silly hometown tradition celebrated its 20th anniversary with its “Schlock and Awe” production in October, 2012.
We always welcome the participation of amateur performers who want to do their best work in great company. Check us out online and at our home base in historic Legion Hall.
P.O. Box 823, Laguna Beach, CA 92652-0823
(949) 715-0333